Chapter Contacts


Chris Cashatt

[email protected]


C: 712-216-0328

W: 402-599-9481


Lacey Pavolosky

[email protected]


C: 402-580-8955


Past President

Jessica Linder

[email protected]




Larry Kresbach

[email protected]


C: 402-430-8642

W: 402-481-8945


Andy Sass

[email protected]

C: 402-677-2309

W: 402-354-8119

Membership Secretary

Shelly Andre

[email protected]


C: 402-202-4205

W: 402-219-7730

H: 402-477-1417

Recording Secretary

Dyanne DeLancy

[email protected]


C: 308-258-0544

W: 308-382-3660 exp. 3210

Senior Board Member

Tammy Hill

[email protected]


C: 402-354-4690

W: 402-720-2259

Junior Board Member

Renee Lighthall

[email protected]


C: 308-746-3032

W: 308-784-2261

Nominating Committee

Lindsy Kroenke

[email protected]


C: 402-320-0719

W: 402-401-3250

Nominating Committee

Jen Vogelsberg

[email protected]


C: 402-598-5284

W: 402-559-7968

Nominating Committee

Becky Cook

[email protected]


C: 402-639-1217

W: 402-398-6357

Legislative Rep

Larry Kresbach

[email protected]



Chapter Resources

The APIC Nebraska library contains books (fiction & non-fiction, resources, reports, CDs, Magazines, DVDs and videotapes, and study texts. To borrow any materials from the library, please contact Sharon Plummer.
The Chapter is committed to providing resources to members concerning the prevention of infection. A group of volunteers have agreed to be available for topics they have experience in.  As a chapter, we strive to promote networking and collaboration among our members. This list of "experienced" resources is available for your reference.
Ambulatory Care: Alisha Dorn
Bioterrorism/Disaster Preparedness: Kristi Sanger
Critical Access Hospitals (CAH) Sharon Conroy
Clinicals/Outpatient/Home Health  (open)
Construction Terry Micheels 
Employee Health Janet Riese
General Infection Control Janet Riese
Invasive procedures Shelly Andre
Legislative Larry Krebsbach
Long term and rehab care Kristi Felix
NHSN Margaret Drake
Outbreaks (open)
Pediatrics  Susie Beedle, Lindsay Hegemann, Melissa Schiessler
Public Health Kristi Sanger
Risk Assessment (open)
Safety/Website    Lori Snyder-Sloan
Sterilization / Disinfection Peg Luebbert
TB & Prevention Guidelines (open)


Job Duties (2016 Revisions - all in pdf)

All Descriptions


President Elect

Past President


Membership Secretary

Recording Secretary



Board Member

Junior Board Member

Governmental Affairs

Professional Growth Day Coordinator

Long Term Care Conference Coordinator

Fall Conference Coordinator